Monday, September 27, 2010

And she lives in all of us

As we've lived our lives without her we've discovered many ways that she became a part of us. Things we saw her do and do ourselves because she did or things we admired in her that we strive to do in our own lives or just silly things that for one reason or not we find ourselves doing. Here are the ways she lives on in us...

"When I have something to do or someone to catch. I totally run in church. I try to slow down around kids so that they don't pick up my bad example, and really it's a church run....not a full out run. And Grandma did it all the time."
Sunny Casandra Wadsworth Tangren ( third child of David Wadsworth first child of Nellie and Cecil Wadsworth)

OK. Here's Grandma Nellie's legacy in our house. Becka was making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich the other day and got jelly on the counter. I watched her lean over and lick it up off the counter. I was totally grossed out by the whole thing and asked her what she was doing. She looked at me and said, "Grandma Nellie did that all the time."
Kim Biel Wadsworth ( wife of Gordon Richard Wadsworth sixth and last child of Nellie and Cecil Wadsworth talking about their oldest child Rebecca Wadsworth)

My son, Hyrum, was born seven years after her passing and never met her her in life but today as he was playing his game I heard him say "Oh fiddlesticks!" I have no idea where he got that but it's something that Grandma Nellie said all of the time. It made me smile thinking that perhaps a touch of her lives on even in him.
Sunny Casandra Wadsworth Tangren ( third child of David Cecil Wadsworth first child of Nellie and Cecil Wadsworth)

I've seen mom wipe up a spill on the floor at a church event, just for one example. I have found myself doing the same kind of thing, wiping, picking up, cleaning whatever needed it in public places. She was such a good example of how to help others. Thanks mom!
Dianna Lynn Wadsworth Babcock ( third child of Nellie and Cecil Wadsworth )

On hot summer nights as we would lie in bed, mom would come quietly into the room. She had in her hand a warm damp washcloth. She would remove the covers from the foot of our beds and gently wash our feet. Three of us shared a room. She would go from bed to bed washing our feet in the dark, with only the hallway light to help her see. It felt so wonderful. My eyes well up as I think of it. To this day, if I have worn sandals or gone barefoot, I cannot get in bed without washing my feet. And I think of mom every time.
Linda Rae Wadsworth Robinson ( fourth child of Nellie and Cecil Wadsworth )

I totally leave dishes in water to soak. When Grandma would have her dinner parties she'd put all the dishes in warm soapy water to soak afterwards and wouldn't let anyone do the dishes. Unlike me she probably had them cleaned, dried and back in the cupboards 10 minutes after everyone left though. It kinda bugs my husband because I usually end up leaving them in the water till it's cold and yucky but I justify doing it because she did.
Sunny Casandra Wadsworth Tangren ( third child of David Cecil Wadsworth first child of Nellie and Cecil Wadsworth )

Every time I pick up a crumb or lint or something small off the floor I think of Grandma. She didn't see it and think, I should vacuum , but she'd just pick up the crumb off the floor right then! ( sometimes making her way across the room picking up many little messes as she went)
Nicole Noel Wadsworth Garrick ( first child of David Cecil Wadsworth first child of Nellie and Cecil Wadsworth )

Every time I swing Miles and Celia they love to hear the same song: If I remember right, this is a Nellie song, passed to Char, passed to me and now passed to my two: Mom, am I right?

I love you, a bushel and a peck, a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck, hug around the neck, and a barrel and a heap, a barrel and a heap and I'm talking in my sleep about you, about you, do da loo da do do doo.
Jeannie Marie Sheneman Voller ( fourth child of Charlene Mavis Wadsworth Miller second child of Nellie and Cecil Wadsoworth)

I remember growing up I always hated the fact that we couldn't have store bought bread. Now, I'm thankful for the legacy of her bread making skills. I baked some yesterday and delivered them to my home teaching families telling them that Nellie sent them some bread. of course, she didn't bake it but she is the reason they were getting it.
Gordon Richard Wadsworth ( sixth child of Nellie and Cecil Wadsworth)

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